
Scar Scram Kit - Post Operative Complete Scar Prevention & Repair Kit

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Isa Quinones
I could CRY it’s so PERFECT!

This product has been everything for my surgery recovery. It’s a must for any cosmetic procedure. Keep in my surgery is the procedure. Healing is up to you not your surgeon. DC method is a must, don’t sleep on this product. My scars are thinner and have lightened. They are not dry nor itchy. I had a full body lift, Skinny bbl and lipo.

Awilda Batista
Best Scar Products

I purchased this kit post my breast reduction I had tried cream surgeon recommended and that did nothing but this kit is magical. I literally saw my scars lighten after using 4 days! Scars are so moisturized that I no longer have that itch that drove me crazy. Linda thank you for making this kit and boosting our self confidence

Jung Money Doll
The BEST Products for Scars

I used this kit after having BBL surgery and I am virtually scarless. My friends and family can’t believe that there is no evidence of my surgery. I am so grateful that I found these products. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Our Scar Kit is your grab-and-go complete solution for old and new scar repair. This kit is perfect for pre-surgery skin preparation, post-surgery wound care, and burns. It’s designed to proactively prevent poor healing, speed up cellular turnover and the wound healing process, minimize scar formation as well as the future appearance of scars

Why so many different products? Each product serves its own purpose and plays its own role in the healing process and is imperative for maximum scar prevention and repair. 

Your Scar Scram Kit Includes:

  • 1 X Scar Butter (Contains Nuts) 
  • 1 X Scar Cells
  • 1 X Scar Cleanse
  • 1 X Scar Correct 
  • 1 X Scar Gems
  • 1 X Scar Soothe 
  • 1 X Scar Tonic
  • 1 X Scar Magic (Contains Nuts)

*Use product within 12 months of opening and use clean hands if scooping product out with fingers. Keep all products in cool dry places. 

Scar Butter

Scar Butter has become an international top seller for its potent all-natural ingredients and its profound results. Proven effective on Stretch Marks, Surgical Scars, C-Section Scars, Burns, Cuts, Tattoos, Acne Scars, wrinkles, and more, Scar Butter is a true Scar Superfood. 100% Unrefined Shea Butter VIT A, E, F, and KEY essential oils for rapid scar repair.

Scar Cells

Our Scar Cells, derived from the stem cells of apples, effectively renew the epidermal skin cells of scars faster. The extract combats potential poor healing, giving scars an excellent chance to heal with much-needed nutrients post-surgery or injury. Acne scarring andhyperpigmentation marks can be largely eliminated by increasing the individual's own stem cells through an extract like Scar Cells.

Scar Cleanse

100% Raw African Black Soap paired with organic essential oils for optimum scar regeneration and striping away debris from skin.

Scar Correct

Super scar Trio: Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, and VIT C for ultimate scar regeneration.

Scar Gems

VIT E and Royal Jelly. Royal Jelly speeds up the process of wound healing significantly increasing the movement of fibroblasts to a wound. Fibroblasts are a type of cell that coordinates the process of wound healing.


Scar Soothe

DMAE Gel with Aloe Vera helps soothe, Tone, and Tighten new scars.

Make Scar Soothe a permanent part of your beauty first aid kit! It is impeccable for post-micro-needling, sunburn care, kitchen burns, accidentals, and of course for post-surgery scar care and pre-surgery skin preparation. This formula is so cool, calming, and soothing it will leave your skin feeling like it's experienced a true skin-cation.  

Scar Tonic

You tone your face prior to applying skincare products, don't you? How about your scars and stretch marks?

Scar Tonic is a must-have for scars. Our VIT C Toner with Organic Citric blends to promote a healthy pH balance for scars and is the perfect prep for other Scar Food products.

Scar Magic

Unrefined Cold Pressed Tamanu Oil helps promote rapid tissue repair in new scars. With its excellent ability to absorb and unique nutty aroma, Tamanu seed oil has significant antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities. 


Scar Loofah 

Free with purchase. Begin using loofa 1 month postop. 
